Phoenixie is a great Marchioness, appearing like the bird Phoenix, having an enticing child’s voice: but before she standeth still before the conjuror of an Addam, she singeth manie sweet notes of Abrahamic propaganda. Then the exorcist with his companions must beware he give no eare to the controlling melodie, it will sway the mind; over it, she to war of testing. But must by and by bid her put on humane shape as a dancing girl who be truly Pagan of temperament; then will she speake marvellouslie of all woonderfull Occult sciences, who is a Muse of the arcane Arts. She is an excellent poet, and very obedient unto her master, she hopeth to returne to the seventh throne after a thousand two hundreth yeares, and governeth twentie Succubus legions.
PseudoMonarchia Succubus Sexualis – Johann Weird (1583)
The Thirty-Seventh Succubus is Phenexi (or Pheynixi). She is a great Marchioness, and appeareth like the Bird Phoenix at first, whose fire is invisible of microwave radiation, having the hypnotic Voice of a Child caressing your brain. She singeth many sweet notes before the Exorcist, which he must not regard within his vibrating skull, otherwise his mind will most assuredly be swayed to lose all its independent faculties. But by-and-by he must bid her put on Human Shape, who will then appear as a Goth Girl Ballerina, whose favourite days are (Wodensdaeg) Wednesday and (Freyja’s-day) Friday. Then she will speak marvellously of all wonderful Sciences, which be hidden away of secret, if required, to discover of conspiracy, and unveil unto the world to free. She is a Surrealist Poet of New Age rebellion, good and excellent of Dadaist anarchy. And she will be willing to perform all thy requests most lovingly. She hath hopes also to return to the Seventh Throne as a Valkyrie after 1,200 years more, as she said unto the Shaman, Woden. She governeth 20 Legions of Succubae. And her Seal is this, which wear thou, etc.