Tuesday 24 June 2014



The fifty-fifth Goetia Succubus is Orobas, or otherwise named Orobasi. She is a Great and Mighty Princess, appearing at Night, first like a Mare.


But after the command of her master she puts on the ectoplasm form of a beautiful naked young woman riding upon a Rocking Horse or to be on all fours to look like one, of human shape.

Sometimes she will manifest as a bound Steampunk Pony-Girl whom will be entirely submissive to her master's every whim.

Her master will also find that Orobasi's long hair will be braided into two serpentine ponytails, which are as her reins tied together at their ends, representing a curved loop of Time.

Her office is to discover all things Past, Present, and to come; enabling her master to travel without moving, whilst riding upon her back through time, around the Ouroboros; while she be in the form of a Human Rocking Horse.

She also bestows Dignities, and Prelacies, and the favour of Friends and Foes. She gives true answers about the nature of Consciousness, and of the erection of the Universe as well as about the hard and soft technology of Time-travel; for she to reveal that all are enclosed within a closed Time-like-curve providing a Time Machine effect, over which she is a mistress of.

The Multiverse allows for such Time-Travel, within which you exist. The long-held paradox of time is no longer applicable in a Multiverse; whence to find that your own serpentine double-helix DNA is a primordial Time-Machine of a Mitochondrial TARDIS, from which emanates the 'bio-photon' illuminating your electron dreams.

You can introvert your consciousness into your electron dreams in order to access inner Stargates, which you can otherwise describe as (vortices) tunnels of light. Although your brain will interpret these inner Stargates symbolically as ordinary (vaginal) doorways and (uterine) hallways leading to other (womb) domains.

You can 'Quantum Leap' backwards through Time in order to visit your own self as child via the dream who then to have precognitive dreams of a future self to become. Orobasi is exceedingly faithful and most loving unto her master.

She will not allow her master to be tempted by any other entity emanating from another alternate reality, existing within a parallel Universe.

She governs 20 Legions of Succubae of similar Pony-Girl form to herself.


Orobasi is of similarity to the eight-legged-mare, trance ridden by the shamans of North-Central-Asia unto Siberia, which was known by the name of 'Sleipnir' in Northern Europe.

This eight-legged-mare of a spider horse was trance ridden by the Norse Shaman God called Odin, the Saxon's knew as Woden. Sleipnir enabled Odin to 'trance' travel the 'Multiverse' World-Tree of Yggdrassill, like that of a prior Dr Who riding his TARDIS.

During the psychedelic era of the 1960's, Dr John C. Lilly had also tapped into the same ancient shamanic technique via his mathematical Sigil of a Brownian Operator. However Lilly of an Odinic Doctor Who had replaced the organic symbolism of the shamans-horse and world-tree with the mathematical Brownian Operator and Topquantese language of scientific inquiry.

Lilly found that via lucid-dreaming you can access Unmarked-State 'Looking-Glass' Stargates, which could be all as mini-wormholes.

These mini-wormholes are conjectured to be at the centre of electrons, which of inner doorways can be accessed of 'Slider' capability within your electron dreams. This is possible, since your consciousness has been reduced down to a point of singularity within your electron dreams, which is far smaller than any known particle.

Lilly discovered that he could access other marked-state alternate-realities existing within parallel-universes, when to transverse an initial unmarked state of a void. Lilly's findings were initially ushered in upon the back of the mathematical symbol of the Brownian Operator when he was in a coma after a life threatening accident.

The Brownian Operator symbol looks like an inverted 'L,' which of a trigger-symbol his consciousness rode when he later floated amphibious within the amniotic waters of his floatation-tank, like that of the King's Sarcophagus amidst the Giza pyramid.

Sounds like pure science fiction, doesn't it; I can assure you it isn't. Speaking of science fiction, which often catches up with fact, the fictional character of Dr Who is based upon (Woden) Odin, whom J.R.R Tolkein had also based Gandalf upon.

The shamanic deity Odin was known as the 'Unknowable One,' whom had many guises like that of the Doctor’s Marked-State regenerated selves who went through many Unmarked-State transformations.

Odin's sacred colour is Blue like that of Dr Who's TARDIS; while his particular Rune is that of the Fourth Rune of Ansuz, which at a mundane level is to do communication, as one would do in a phone box, as well as encapsulating his shamanic ability of trance travelling into other Marked-State alternate realities to police as a (doctor) shaman.

The symbol of the eight-legged-mare was used in the same way as the Brownian Operator by shamanic practitioners. The eight-legged-mare was basically utilised as a trigger symbol in order to introvert into their subconscious via meditating upon the organic symbolism of the mare; this would then enable the initiation of lucid dreaming when the symbol was recognised within the dream.

When the shaman recognises the introverted symbolism of the (Pony-Girl) eight-legged-mare within the dream, he could then ride her into other realities. The eight-legged-mare is essentially made up of two horses, one white, the other black; both of which represent the Marked and Unmarked states of Lilly's Brownian Operator; whereupon, in regards to (Orobas) Orobasi, you have two Pony-Girls.

These two Pony-Girls are also associated with the right and left nerve channels running along either side of your (Yggdrassill) spinal-column. These two nerve channels belong to your Autonomic-Nervous-System. When they are brought into balance via the practice of meditation you experience a (Samadhi) state of (hypnagogic) trance.

When trance is achieved, the two mares become one as the (Grey) eight-legged-mare, whom represents the central channel of the spine, which is associated with your Central-Nervous-System.

As you access hypnagogic trance, you will experience an energy arising up your spine, along the back of your neck, which then hits the back of your head. This arising of energy along the back of your neck in particular, is known as the 'rush' in trance dance culture; it is indicative of the arousal of your Reticular-Activating-System, which is based in the throat area of your reptilian brainstem. In Yoga practice, this energy is known as the Kundalini Shakti, which is seen to have a female (mitochondrial DNA) source; wherefore it was often personified as a (Shakti) Goddess whose (Kundalini) energy is symbolised as a (bio-photon) fire snake. The Kundalini Shakti is basically the eight-legged-mare Sleipnir, which can be otherwise seen to be the Pony-Girl Orobasi.

So, the sexual fetish of the Pony-Girl can be otherwise utilised of a meditative focus, when given a spiritual context; this is basically symbolic alchemy, which of course also involves the sexual impulse.

Succubus Evocation Goetia Girls

The sexual impulse is introverted in league with your focus upon the Pony-Girl motif, in order to (Charge) empower your (Spin) electron dreams into lucidity.

This technique is none too different to a Tibetan Yogi meditating upon a 'Horse headed' (Succubus) Dakini, going by the name of Ankusha. The only difference is, you will be using modern symbolism to do likewise of artistic Sorcery.

If you prefer to traditionally conjure up Orobas as an Incubus out of a commonly focused upon patriarchal Grimoire, go right ahead; it's your traditional choice of an ingrained phallic fixation to do so, of a herd-mind commonality.

We can't have you turning Crowley tit-over-arse in his grave, otherwise you will be surely ostracised by the OTO, whose members will invariably castigate you as being a vile and most 'Wicked' pornographer because of your juvenile focus upon a Succubus to alternatively conjure. Best stick to conjuring up machismo Angels and butch Demons, just like the ones uncle Aleister illustrated in his Goetia. 

As for myself I far prefer to rebelliously conjure up the Succubus Orobasi amidst my Triangle of Art as a Pony-Girl Dakini.


1 comment:

Susan said...

And why oh why hasn't this gotten more attention.
~The Pony Girl